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  • Zachary Sum

Giving back to those who served and their families

Last Saturday, I went around the independent living RSL villages and distributed #AnzacAtHome goodie bags to aid our veterans and their families in staying healthy and safe during this coronavirus pandemic.

We collaborated with businesses in Victoria and NSW to procure items of high demand and gave them out for free, leaving it at their front door with a message of thanks. Because we want to limit the contact of ourselves to the vulnerable veteran populations, there was no shaking of hands nor close contact. It was just respect and a warm thanks from our hearts from a distance.

In the goodie bags, we packed toilet rolls, tissue boxes, antibacterial hand soaps, face mask, hand sanitisers, dried food, and of course ANZAC cookies. Many of these items are there to support them in staying healthy and of good hygeine when going to the shops or the doctors.

I really hope the residents are happy with their surprise!

As a reserve in the Air Force, I would like to say thank you to the Anzacs and their families for their ancestors contribution to the peaceful Australia we have today. Some Anzacs may have passed from the Spanish flu of 1918 and is a reminder that the war not only claimed lives, but an unknown disease contributed to the high death toll in those days.

As a pharmacist, I know what to do to contribute back to our veterans to keep them safe. We have the knowledge now to reduce the spread of the disease, and I am immensely compelled to contribute back as a health professional to our veteran community.

A massive thank you to our collaborators BRIX distillers ( and Mr Black ( Your contributions are greatly appreciated by our veterans!


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